Friday, May 3, 2013

Plein Air Painting

Spring is such a wonderful time of the year, especially in Southern Louisiana and its the perfect time to get out and plein air paint because before long, summer temperatures in this area reach near 100 degrees on an average day.  My painting buddy, Denise Broussard, and I often sneak away from our daily lives and get together to discuss art and paint.  We usually get together at least once a week to plein air paint during the spring and fall.  During the months of February, March and April this year we have been painting the wooded area behind her house.  The area is in the middle of Lafayette and a special diamond in the rough not known to most people in this area.  The property slopes down to the Vermilion River with ponds abundant with cypress trees and truly envelopes you in Louisiana's beauty.   We've invited several artist friends to join us on these paint days and some have been able to make it so its been a very enjoyable time for us.

I've tried to concentrate on pushing my values since taking a recent Stapleton Kearns Workshop.  Stape's workshops are filled with so much information, I have so much I want to work on.  One of the treasures I learned from his is he uses a mix he calls Porn Star Pink.  I can't mix what he has exactly but I did try to mix something close to it.  The best I can describe it to you, until I have mastered the color is it's a yellow/orange/pink mixed with white that will give you those beautiful bright sunlight accents on tree trunks.  It truly makes a difference when building sunlight on those tree trunks.

I think my main accomplishment is that I have had a great time and I am enjoying the wonderful weather and great friendship.


  1. Ahhhh, home. I miss painting with you. These turned out fabulous,they will all be waiting for us in the fall dear friend.

    1. Thanks so much Denise! I'm looking forward to the fall! Haven't painted much lately but once I get Lucy lined out, I will be painting more. Things are getting better every day here.

  2. bonitas pinturas, me encantan!!

  3. Spring has that wonderful lime color that I love. Nice work.

  4. Maria,
    I enjoyed your paintings and the tip on "porn star pink" for tree trunks. Thanks for sharing.

  5. These are full of light and beauty. I envy you taking from SK and enjoyed a laugh at the term Porn Star Pink!

    1. Thanks Julie, Stape was so much fun when he traveled here. He is such a great teacher and filled with so much information that he is always willing to share, like you.
